Massive Massive Gains Alert
most powerful and potential life-changing information you will come across today !!

Ever wondered how some people in the cryptocurrency space are able to find coins with huge upsides of 10X, 20X or even 100+X gains? That means turning mere $100 initial investment into $1000, $2000 or even $10,000 or more, if it does really well.
The key to finding such coins is to buy them dirt cheap BEFORE they are well known or hit the public exchanges. Most coins are already up multiple folds before their trading begins.One of the very few ways for average people to find such early stage opportunities is through CRYPTO LAUNCHPADS!! Think of these platforms as AngelList crypto.
Crypto launchpads have been gaining tremendous amounts of attention. They allow you to identify early-stage crypto projects and participate in their presale rounds. They also have a qualification and vetting process in place to avoid scams and rug-pulls, so you can invest with peace of mind without worrying about losing your hard-earned money.While there are many popular launchpads in the market today like Polkastarter, TrustSwap, PAID network etc, it is still not that easy to join and be given the chance to buy into new promising projects in the earliest of stages. Most of them require thousands of dollars in upfront investment into their own native launchpad tokens and even that does not guarantee allocation in new projects.Besides new project coins offering, native Launchpad token themselves have seen massive gains for its early investors.TODAY I am inviting you all to learn about and get involved in a new and exciting Crypto Launchpad that is set to launch in mid-August. It is in presale round and holding its token can open floodgates of earning opportunities for each and every one of us. A Gem Mine that will continue to produce more Gems!!
Investing of any nature can be highly rewarding but always carry some inherent risks, no matter how small or big. There can never be any guarantees of future success! not even from an accredited financial adviser. Please always weigh your risks, invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to live without.
Thank You for your interest. Please I urge you to take the time and get yourself acquainted. Bookmark this page for future references.
Opportunity is very time sensitive with only a few days left before sale ends. I have kept everything very brief and to the point so everyone can learn quickly and take advantage without wasting time.
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You can contact me on telegram: (preferred) or through email at [email protected] with any questions you may have. Thank You All !!
Investing of any nature can be highly rewarding but always carry some inherent risks, no matter how small or big. There can never be any guarantees of future success! not even from an accredited financial adviser. Please always weigh your risks, invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to live without.
Brief intro with links:
Official Launch date is August 15th, that is when token will also begin trading on public exchange.LaunchPad Official Website Be sure to checkout their whitepaper.Official Medium posts with introduction to protocol.Coinmarketcap approved and listed.Publication on a major crypto finance news outlet.Interesting Fact: Our company was one of the sponsors of DeFi DigitalSummit 2021 where launchpad presentation was also given by the co-founder and lead developer: Digitalsummit2021
Business and Tokenomics overview by Co-Founder
You may want to listen to this presentation a few times if you did not understand everything in first go. Once you understand, you will lose your sleep!! The tokenomics is designed to make the native token deflationary and overtime increase in value. The business aspects of platform provide huge value and opportunities for all types of members, whether they are:
1) Active investors who are always looking for the best projects/opportunities at the best prices.
2) Passive earners that are interested in staking and growing their money and taking advantage of the platforms' business and token growth.
3) Marketers & Social Influencers who love to spread the word around and in doing so get rewarded generously by the platform.
4) Business start-ups or even established businesses who are looking to grow and tap into the daisy member economy to raise funds or even awareness, can massively benefit from our platform.
* Currently we are in Preferred Customer pre-sale round which ends July 30th. Only a limited amount of tokens are up for sale. Price in this round is between $1-$1.5 per token, increasing dynamically until the last token gets sold at $1.5.You can only participate in this round using a referral link of an existing member or token holder. Once you buy in, you will get your own referral link and will be able to refer others if you so wish.You can buy any amount of tokens you want there is no minimum or maximum limit imposed on users, buy 1 token or 100,000+ tokens its up to you, while token supplies last of course. Unsold tokens will get burned at the end of this round. (According to some conservative estimates we are expecting the price to reach $30-$50+ per token by end of this year as we have some exciting projects already lined up for launch. Major announcements very soon)* August 1st - 5th public pre-sale will happen from $2.5+, and will be hosted in partnerships with well established launchpads like,,,, daomaker and MXC.* August 15th Market Making will begin at $5, on the decentralized exchange Uniswap on Etherium, followed by Pancake Swap on Binance Chain.* Token will also be listed on at least 5 centralized exchanges in quick successions. Announcements are being withheld for the time being due to NDAs.* All pre-sale tokens are subject to vesting period and release schedules as per standard industry practice.All important updates will be provided through the official communication channels.
I am aware of review websites and youtube videos who are always quick to call everything a ponzi or scam. I have watched all of them. Almost all misrepresent the facts and even blatantly lie either deliberately or out of ignorance. They put forward false claims without any proof and then throw in their suggestions in the guise of 'looking after your best interest'. Most of them are not interested in a sincere and honest review but more in traffic to sell their own products and services.
I have tried my best to present to you all the facts true to the best of my knowledge and leave the decision making to you.
Daisy Launchpad Founders
Alex Melnichuk (Co-Founder):
Alex, also goes by first name Alexie, resides in Kiev, Ukraine. A Blockchain Developer and CEO/Founder of Pragma Technologies.Alex Github ProfilePragma Official WebsitePragma is a tech company specializing in research and development of blockchain solutions for decentralized finance, governance and supply chain management. The company develops smart contracts and optimizes every function to ensure a successful deployment.
Pragma YouTube ChannelAlex is also a team member of Blockchain Hackathon Ukrainian chapter. LinkPragma enters co-operation with Hacken, a leading Cybersecurity and Blockchain security and Auditing company. LinkNow here it gets a little more interesting…Alex is also Head of Tech and founding member, of an interesting Defi Startup called Phuture:
Check out the angel investors and backers list.
Phuture(PHTR) successfully completed its IDO at Polkastarter back in May 2021, and recently started trading in June.I also found traces of his dev contribution in some past crypto projects: abbccoin, tnccoin etc but they are not part of his official profile so I am not giving it much weight.
Back in Jan 2021, Daisy Crowd smart contract (a previous crowd fund project to raise funds for an A.I. Algo trading & asset management company and still ongoing) was having some trouble getting off the ground. There were serious design flaws and excessive tron energy consumption problems. Jeremy Roma (co-founder of daisy crowd) asked the auditing firm (Hacken?) to recommend another developer to re-design the smart contract and that is when he was introduced to Pragma and its CEO Alex Melnichuk. Alex and his team totally redesigned the smart contract and broke it down to 8-9 smart contracts which all spoke to each other more efficiently.After Daisy Crowd was re-launched in March, Alex presented the idea of a new kind of Launchpad that he and his team had already been working on, to Jeremy. And that is when Jeremy and Alex (and possibly some others) entered into a partnership together to design, develop and launch DAISY LAUNCHPAD.
Jeremy Roma (Co-Founder):
Jeremy Roma has over 20 years of experience in network marketing and peer-peer sales. After achieving massive success in his early career, he was given leadership positions to develop marketing and distribution strategies for some of the top respected companies in direct to consumer space where he delivered millions in revenue growth.
One of the highlights of his career was heading 2 subsidiaries as president and vice-president, SAFE TEK LLC and APEX TEK LLC, of a publicly traded multi-million dollar company INVESTVIEW(INVU) between 2019-2020.
He possesses excellent work ethics. Hardworking, Passionate and Extremely Relentless, he knows how to execute and deliver results and will not rest until he takes a business to new heights.
How to prepare before funding Token Purchase.USDT(trc20) has been chosen as mode of payment and a smart contract has been built to keep track of all purchases.
You have to use a Tron wallet that has built in DApp browser.
TronLink wallet is the number 1 recommendation (please try not to use any other wallets as they may not be supported by the DApp):
Tronlink (chrome extension for pc or mobile app) OFFICIAL PAGE
(**Recently due to iOS upgrade, some iPHONE users are reporting incompatibility of Tronlink mobile app. Iphone users should opt for Klever wallet or any other good tron wallet with dApp browser access)Please have at least 100+ Trons(TRX) extra to cover Tx and energy costs for every single purchase(it may be less but this is just in case so transactions go through smoothly and do not decline) PLUS the USDT(trc20) amount that you are planning to spend on purchase. E.g if you want to spend 100 usdt on tokens, you should have 100 usdt(trc20) and 100 trons(trx) min. in your wallet.If you do not know where to get USDT(trc20) from, then just buy enough trons(TRX) and transfer into your tronlink wallet and convert it into USDT using tronlink's swapping service within the wallet itself, which i think is quite cheap.You can easily convert BTC(or any major coin) to Tron inside of many popular wallets like Exodus, Atomicwallet, Guarda etc (wallet exchanges and swaps are very convenient but expensive)
or from exchanges like Binance.Alternatively you can use a coin swapping service like simpleswap (cheap and reliable).
Another great coin swapping service fixedfloat (cheapest, near market rates and my personal recommendation)
This opportunity is not available to US residents as all US ip addresses will be blocked by the DApp. If you are in the US, and still want to participate in the token purchase you will have to find a way around before connecting your wallets to Dapp and then make purchase (Hint: vpn e.g This means that US residents can own the token, buy or sell in the open market(once trading starts) and get staking, referral rewards and free airdrops of DCOs but will not be able to participate in IDO or DCO projects as it will require KYC, until legal situation changes sometimes in future.
Official Daisy LaunchPad token presale website :
(This page will not work properly without first connecting via tron wallet and/or through a valid ref. link of an existing member)
Your token pre-sale signup url : pro (mobile) After opening mobile wallet Users can paste ref link on their DApp browser address bar by clicking "Discover".
PC or Tronlink Chrome extension Users can just paste on the chrome browser address bar WHILE being logged into their wallets.
Token Buying video guide using Tronlink wallet
Its very important that you complete all the 3 steps explained & shown in the video in order to complete the purchase:
1) Authorization to receive USDT
2) Send USDT
3) Approve to complete transaction and your tokens to be released into your back office.After buying your tokens, the next time you want to visit your dashboard, you will have to use the same tron wallet you used to register purchase and, while being logged in, just enter Your wallet will be recognized.Once the pre-sale rounds are over, you will be able to transfer your tokens into your personal wallets. More details will be announced through official channels.
Please subscribe to the Daisy Token Official Telegram channel for latest updates: Chat: telegram for any questions you want to ask of me:
Daisy Manual registration into Smart Contract.How to register yourself with DAISY directly into the contract:
First you MUST download Tronlink or Tronlink Pro. and have them funded.
This opportunity is not available to US residents. If you are in the US, you will have to use a VPN before signing up and connecting your wallets to Dapp.
**Latest UpdatesPlease disregard manual smart contract registration post below as there will be no need when we re-launch. Everything should work directly from the web and signup ref link.
**Latest Updates Jan 10th 3 pm ESTDaisy Official Channel, [10.01.21 13:55] (!!Most important, the only issue we are facing is the website reporting. SMART CONTRACT AND TRADING ARE 100% SOLID, ALL FUNDS ARE SAFE AND WORKING PROPERLY WITH ZERO ISSUES, AND ALL PAYOUTS AS WELL.We expected 100k members on day 1, we DID NOT expect 100k members in 10 minutes!! We have experts working 24/7 to perfect the website reporting.FOR NOW: Website login and registration is live, but here are some important tips:1) if ur referral link says just replace undefined with your username2) back office reporting may show inaccurate numbers and may sometimes show that packs are not purchased, or may not let you purchase the next pack.Any backoffice issues require you to refresh the page (maybe multiple times) or logout (top right corner) and log back in.We are currently working to #1 minimize the back office reports in order to minimize the data overload short term, and #2 fixing the core website issues to handle our growth long term.These core fixes will take 3 to 5 days, and the short-term fixes should be seen through the day today.FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW👇🏻
to register manually via blockchainThis is the work around until the site is fixed.Hello Gang this is the work around for those who were not able to register last night. If you do not follow these instructions to the letter, it will not work for you.Sorry about the website challenges, they will be fixed soon. Watch this video at least 2 or 3 times to make sure that you understand it!!! Video is from a TOP leader. to register with DAISY directly to the contract:First as I stated before you MUST download Tronlink or Tronlink Pro.You can not click on any referral link and join DAISY directly, this is not MLM, Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing.You MUST follow instructions. Paste this in your Tronlink browser and go directly to the smart contract. Scroll down and select the the tab WRITE CONTRACT2. Skip Box 1 that says purchasePack you will come back to that later3. Go to box 2 that says: 2.register4. Paste your SPONSORS TRON wallet address TUoaN44Pv78RsGqokLKuUT5pLhav3Gz4YX (this is my address) (you will send your address to anyone you are sponsoring once you have registered yourself)5. Choose a username: only 4 characters (small letters)6. In the box under the user name put the amount of TRON 3125.00 that is equivalent to the amount of $100.00 USD at the time of writing this msg. This amount can fluctuate, so make sure you do the correct math.($100/current rate of tron which you can find in the top portion of the contract page in "contract overview")7. Next click on SEND and confirm payment. You can choose FAST or SAFE, then put in the same PASSWORD as you used to set up your Tronlink account.8. That will fund your DAISY account with 100.00 USD enough to get your first TIER9. Click refresh at the top of the screen and then go down to BOX #1. PurchasePack put the # 2 in that box. Number 2 here represents the tier or pack level. Basically you are buying into 2nd tier10. Then Double the amount of Tron that you used to purchase pack 1. That amount will be around.... 6250.00 in TRON11. Then refresh and repeat STEPS 9 & 10 as many times you want remembering to double the amount based on the TIER that you want to purchase. (e.g Tier 3 = 12500 trons)This is the Work Around until the DAISY web site is fixed.Be sure to have some TRON in your Tron link account in order to make your purchases.12) Wallet address to work with me directly :TUoaN44Pv78RsGqokLKuUT5pLhav3Gz4YX( replace this with your wallet when u send this to your prospects )MUCH LOVE!!
Instructions on how to prepare your wallets and some updates.
UPDATE Jan 24th: Looks like it will be a few more days before we are able to launch and announcement will be made prior. Latest video call:
**Latest Updates Jan 10th 11 pm ESTGLOBAL ZOOM AT 6AM UTC TIME (1am EST) TONIGHT! Will be broadcasted live at
TONIGHT is for MEMBERS, we will update everyone on the amazing momentum and also how to deal with common challenges. See you soon! 6am utc time
Purchases temporarily won't work while we complete an update. See everyone on the webinar !!
Bot Technology Overview
Hindi/Urdu Overview
Program is expected to launch in the first week of Jan 2021 (exact date TBA).
In preparation of the launch, please download any one of the following Tron wallets :
1) Tronlink (chrome extension for pc or mobile app)
2) Klever (for android or iOS)
Please have some Trons(TRX) ready in your wallet with the amount you are planning to join(at least $2-$3 extra to cover transaction fees).
You can easily convert BTC(or any major coin) to Tron inside of many popular wallets like Exodus, Atomicwallet, Guarda etc or can use a coin swapping service like You can also buy Tron directly from exchanges like Binance.
Klever app also allows you to buy or exchange within their app and might be the most convenient option.
This opportunity is not available to US residents. If you are in the US, you will have to use a VPN before signing up and connecting your wallets to Dapp.

Investing of any nature can be highly rewarding but always carry some inherent risks, no matter how small or big. There can never be any guarantees of future success based off past performances. Please invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to lose.
Decentralized - 100% Transparent - Affordable to all
This is one of those rare opportunities that one cannot afford to miss.
All you have to do is be in the game to achieve life changing results.
- Simply join, contribute fund and collect rewards!
- Everyone wins and No One is left behind.
- Earn 300%-800%+ Return On Contributions (profits) per year! (estimate based on last 3+ years of verifiable performance)
- Income is NOT generated from new memberships.
- SMART CONTRACT DeFi App on blockchain.
- 100% transparent!
- Instant Daily Payments direct to your wallet!!!
- No selling!
- No referring required to earn!
- No monthly fees!
- No annual fees!
- The most comprehensive and kick ass referral plan(optional)
Program is launching JAN 10th 6am UTC (1am EST).
In preparation of the launch, please download any one of the following Tron wallets (please do not use any other wallets as they may not be supported by the DApp):
1) Tronlink (chrome extension for pc or mobile app) LINK
2) Klever (for android or iOS) LINK(Instructions to sign up after receiving your sign-up link:
1) Tronlink chrome extension - Log into you wallet before pasting the signup url on the chrome address bar.
2) Tronlink pro(mobile) - Click on "My" (bottom right) --> "Advanced Features" --> "DApp Browser" paste signup link.
Alternate: Click on "Discover" (bottom 2nd from right) --> paste sign-up link on the address bar on top.
3) Klever app - click on the circle or world icon (bottom 2nd from left) paste your link there.Please have some Trons(TRX) ready in your wallet with the amount you are planning to join(at least $2-$3 extra to cover transaction fees).
You can easily convert BTC(or any major coin) to Tron inside of many popular wallets like Exodus, Atomicwallet, Guarda etc (wallet exchanges and swaps are very convenient but not economical)
or from exchanges like Binance.
Klever app also allows you to buy or exchange within their app and might be the most convenient option(but not the cheapest especially for higher amount exchanges).
You can use a coin swapping service like simpleswap (cheap and reliable).
Another great coin swapping service fixedfloat (cheapest and near market rates)
** Please subscribe to my telegram channel to get the sign up link on launch day:
I will post it there as soon as its rolled out. I will send out emails as well as post it here on this page.
Investing of any nature can be highly rewarding but always carry some inherent risks, no matter how small or big. There can never be any guarantees of future success based off past performances. Please invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to lose.
Investing of any nature can be highly rewarding but always carry some inherent risks, no matter how small or big. There can never be any guarantees of future success based off past performances. Please invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to lose.
Here on this page I will be documenting my results and updating withdrawal proofs. Usually I take a withdrawal once a week and compound profits rest of the days until I reach a certain goal then I will change my withdrawal strategy.
There is a fixed miner fee of 0.0004 btc charged by their payment processor, on every withdrawal.
Sometimes the date in my wallet is a day off as I am 4 hours behind GMT, happens when I withdraw and funds arrive sooner.
(Latest Withdrawal) Payment #30

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*FREE* $300.00 airdrop *FREE*
No Joke! No Catch! Get $300 worth of coins absolutely FREE!!
Offer ends May 20th, act fast. Do not leave money on the table.
Register on the exchange (using the link given below) before May 20th 2020. This offer is available to all new account registrations only.
Go to Account(by clicking on login name) >> Verification and complete the KYC. Approval can take a few days based on workload, so please try to submit it asap so we all get approved by May 20th.
Join the official Telegram chat:
Done. You will get 30000 CNG(game token) worth around $300 in your account. Coins will be available to withdraw or trade by June 1st.
Coinsbit is the 5th largest exchange on #Coinmarketcap with Daily Trading Volumes of 2.6+ billion dollars, Low Commissions, Multi-Support, Strong Security, and Open API.
So what are you waiting for? Click the button below and sign up!!
(Once you cash out $$, please do consider investing some money into this Amazing Program and thank me later!!)
Thank You for your interest. Please watch the videos and get yourself acquainted with the program. Bookmark this page for future references.
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My Personal Overview & Research(MUST READ).
I am continually updating this webpage.
We are connected to the founders and have one of the best support and strongest and fastest growing teams. Rest assured you are in good hands.
Folks this page was put together in rush but this opportunity is too good to pass and not be shared. You can contact me at [email protected] with any questions you may have. Thank You All !!